Sunday June 8th, 2003 at 10:25 PM

Have you ever had a moment in your life where everything that was within your perspective seemed to change? Some call it an epiphany while others something along the lines of being enlightened. Those moments are what keeps us on our toes, as they always seem to come just about the point in which we have everything ‘figured’ out.

For this past weekend has been full of them, from the graduation open house I held on Saturday to church today. It’s really been a chance for me to open my eyes and to look to the future then I ever have. Maybe not ever have, but with more realism then I have been able to in the past. I really don’t know what to say aside from the fact that I’m extact for the future. I will greatly miss this world to which I’ve grown so accustom to but I know that, with God’s help, the future will hold treasures and opportunities that I simply can’t fathom within my own, human, mind.

I’ve also decided that I’m going to write out some of the bigger issues that I’ve had to deal with and/or think about in quite some detail. Just to have it out there for anyone who is interested in reading it or for people who might be going through something similar to what I have already experienced. Till later

Take Care and God Bless, ~paul prins