Seven Days Left

So here I am, on the cusp of the end. So close that I can almost taste victory. It seems like for the last four years al I’ve wanted was to be out of here, out of the confines and restrictions that are EPHS but now that I’m standing (well technically I’m sitting) here with…

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So if you only had less then 48 hours to finish a book what would you do. So far I’ve read over fifty pages and have a little over two-hundred left to go. Time is pretty limited, and the book is slightly more amusing then watching carpet rot… I should be reading it right now,…

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Government Portfolio

HECK YEA, so I just finished typing up my government portfolio and it is very decent (also isn’t due for two days still!!). I now only have one project left to do for High School and I’m done!!! How sweet is that. Wow so that was quite the relief to finally get off my shoulders.…

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I know YOU read this

I’m writing this because I know that you check this. Because you think that you have it all figured out and that somehow in the end you will end up on top of it all. Have you taken a moment to look around you? Everything is falling apart, you’re world is crumbling and you haven’t…

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My Birthday (two years ago)

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been two year. Today I’m 19, happy birthday. I guess I should state that since the rest of this post will have to deal with that. Now is a time when I’m gonna open up a little bit more of my personal life to the world. I’m not…

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Ultimate Frisbee/MSO

Wow what a lame kid I’ve been, over a week since I’ve posted in here. Well life is going on, school is going well and I finally got the video for church DONE, the first run anyway. It turned out soooooo well I’m very excited about that. Should be on my portfolio page in a…

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Senior Prom

Monday May 5th, 2003 at 2:31 PM Everyone was telling me not to get my hopes up and that prom was going to be a wash out. Not meet my expectations or visions that I had of it. I guess it worked to my advantage that I had no prior connotations of what the night…

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