Really the fault of feminists?

Part two in the series. (part 1) A counterpoint to my last entry. I don’t really believe that it’s feminism that is ‘destroying’ manhood, but rather taking advantage of a larger and more unchecked/un-noticed problem. A problem that I’ve personally address a couple times in my life, and it is just that, unique and personal.…

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Jeremiah 13:23

“Can the Ethiopian Change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.” -Jeremiah 13:23 Why turn from going against the Lord now? The longer you wait the harder it will be, and eventually you will reach the point of the people of Judah being unable…

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Interesting Connection for Africa

Not the normal type of post, but did anyone else notice the connection between the death of the african rain queen ( Rain queen dies at 27 ) last week with president bushs most recent announcement about aid speeding to africa? ( Bush pledges to speed up aid to Africa ) I’m surprised our amazing…

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What to Be…

For the past several months there has been an on going struggle that has been gripping me. Tonight I finally started to realize what it truly was I am having such a hard time over. What to be? It seems like such a basic question, one we even ask to elementary students (thought their answers…

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Long Distance with Jordan

So two things have been going on lately. My super nostalgic trip as I’m updating my new blog software with all my old posts. It’s crazy to read where I was at back then and to see where I am now, how I’ve changed, the things I’ve left behind and those which I’ve been so…

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