At the heart of CPE

For those of you completely disconnected from anything French over the last month, there have been a string of protests over a new law (CPE) that changes some rights of young employees. Mainly, anyone under 26 can be terminated during the first two years without cause/notice. Sounds rough, but you need to understand it is…

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Time in Florence

A couple days ago I returned from my time in Florence, Italy with my parents. It was a lot of fun and got to see a lot of the things I had studied in my survey of art history courses. So unreal, to think that I was talking on the very street of Dante, and…

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Downfall of Role Models

I’ve never had one. It wasn’t that there weren’t people in my life who had admirable accomplishments, but they all had so many failures attached to them. Here is the other catch that is never realized. By defining a role model we are un-verbally deciding that the level of their achievement is un-attainable. No matter…

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