Last night I had Stacey over before she left for park rapids today. It was a lot of fun just hanging out and having more time to get to learn more about her. The night was cool, finally saw moulon rouge and it was alright. I’m gonna miss her over the next week but I have a lot of work to get done so maybe I actually will now that she is gone.

Friday during the day so much happened it was kind of crazy. I was up teaching at the PLC workshop at the eden prairie high school when someone from the administration got the idea to do a review video about the week. Jen, who I was running the class I was helping teach, was talking to her and mentioned that I did a lot of filming work and I got a job right there. Went home over lunch break and got my camera and came back. Filmed a bunch of the focus groups working as well as some interviews with three different groups. I’m going to end up mixing all of the footage together and putting it to a dvd for Emily to use as a promotional item for the workshop next year. While filming that the principal over at Oak Point drew interest from my work and asked if I would be willing to help them get a TV show going on the local cable access. I gave her my card so I will see if she gets back to me on that or not. That isn’t something that I’ve done before but it sounds like it would be a great experience and be a lot of fun.

Today was some what un-eventful, I worked the car wash and went to a few grad parties. Hung out after travis’ and swam in the pool, it was quite fun. I got to spend some time talking to Kessia and we’re gonna go out for coffee sometime in the near future here. Also talked to Rob Whitman tonight and we’re gonna hang out on Monday after noon for a while (after my meeting with Emily from the prior paragraph) and before he has to be to work at three. I’m gonna miss that guy next year. Now I must sleep as church starts in about eight hours.

take care and God bless~paul prins