I’m not exactly sure but I believe that the theme on this blog has been here since summer of 2004. For those of you who are wondering, that is probably the longest a single blog has held a single theme, probably ever. Due to my semi-recent rash of theme making for word press (two in the last 5 months counts) I will likely take an afternoon sometime in the next month and revamp the image here to make it more professional.

This will be a good step since I seem to have become one at some point here. I’m now running my own small business, attended graduate school, and trying to figure out where I fit into ministry (with my wife) here in the twin cities. I also am meeting up with the volunteer coordinator for the Minneapolis Public Library system midweek to try to find a way to volunteer there. Hopefully either by reading to kids, or helping kids learn to/get excited about reading.

Since i can control the theme, there will be something new and snazzy is coming soon.

I also am starting to improve my delineation between my professional/personal lives. As this becomes more clear I will hopefully start blogging here more frequently again.