Morning Note

This has to be one of the most awesome notes that my wife has left for me yet.

For the record, I have been awake for nearly 6 hours and haven’t seen the lady bug yet. Must be an extra sneaky one.

3 replies on “I Don’t Like Ladybugs

  1. Wow! Post-it-note, mystery! Ladybugs have represented many things besides the insect species. I have seen it used for another name for “young children”, “woman with child”, “childhood home”, name of a socker team, hocket team, baseball team, young girls baseket ball team, dodge ball team, a restraint name. The insect species I know alot about to learn more visit my new blog called the Hx. of the Ladybug:

  2. I love notes like that! When Kimpa travels, sometimes she will leave cards hidden in the house in places that I will run into them during the week. Very thoughtful…even after 26 years. God is good! P.S. Are they ladybugs or those stinky bugs that find their way into the house in MN? Or are those the same thing?

  3. Thanks for sharing something from your marriage that reflects un petit peu of your relationship with one another. It actually reminds me of notes my roommate and I used to write each other in college. : ) May God continue to strengthen your marriage and love for one another!

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