The evangelism team is going SO well. Past half way to my prayer goal for # of people on the team and the Lord has been so faithful in everything! Just how the movement is starting to really grasp the importance of reaching out to those around them and watching God move through them. How the Lord is changing so many hearts on this campus. Next semester will be a lot of fun, watching and seeing us really move to reach this campus like never before.

In other news, this man is crazy! Man Shares Jesus with Lions! Gets attacked?

I know I’ve been posting a lot of poetry lately, mostly because I’ve been spending a large amount of my time seeking discernment and vision for what is to come in my life and don’t feel I should be writing about it for the whole world to read. I?m trying to understand how it is going to shape up and turn out. Talking to people to help me better understand what the Lord is showing me. I just can?t help but wonder at what point I will have all the affirmation I need from the Lord to go ahead with everything. It’s exciting because after three weeks I feel like I’m ready. Now it’s only a matter of turning the tips downhill and going for it.

East Asia is coming up really really quick, only 14 days out! The support is coming in really well and I’m super excited to go. It’s really crazy to me to think that a couple months ago I was in France and had my heart so set there. Then to see how the Lord opened my eyes and my heart to the needs of Asia. I don’t know if I’ll be able to post while I’m over there, we’ll have to wait and see. Probably will take a lot of photos, spread even more Love for the Lord and really get my eyes opened to what’s happening over there.

It’s been crazy to watch the lord move in my life lately. I feel like I’ve grown more over the last 6 weeks then I did this summer when I was in France. When I was in France it was more of gaining understanding about how I interact with the world around me and the spiritual realm, where now it’s understanding and learning more hard things about myself so that I can grow through them. In the end becoming stronger in the Lord and more dependant upon Him. It?s been more then I ever could have asked for. He’s never been breaking me down and building me up in so many different areas of my life before. Needless to say I’m excited to see where that leads too.

It might seem like I’m all over the map, but the truth is that I’ve never been more focused on seeking the Lord. Even in the hard times I look back to a year ago and realize how much more I seek out Christ then I did at my best times then. It’s so exciting to think about where I’ll be at in another two months, another year, or even by the time I’m graduating. AHHHHH Praise the Lord! I am the last person to deserve any of this, yet the Lord keeps blessing me so how can I not praise him. Ok I must sleep. But it’s been great guys!

Seeking out the face of Christ till I can’t and fall into His arms instead!