This is something that, in all honesty, I have been avoiding for some time (see previous post). I have this weird gift where I am able to see where God needs me to be and I know how to get there, most of the time I can figure out why and make sense of the…
Read MoreThe Passion Outreach thus Far
Review of the Movie It’s been a month since we started the planning for the Passion Outreach with Campus Crusade at Stout and now we are gathering on opening day, thirty minutes before we start distributing the tickets and the line is already forming. After reviewing the plan for the night I glance back into…
Read MoreEnter the Passion of the Christ outreach
Well it is not about sixteen hours until we get together before our passion outreach here at stout and I am thrilled. The evangelism team, for the UW stout Campus Crusaide for Christ, got together tonight for pizza up at Ted’s as a little pre-event dinner. Just went over any last minute concerns, I was…
Read MoreLetter from June 2001
Well this is a letter that I hope people find. In no way does it have anything to deal with suicide or any of that… I am Depressed. I would have written a bigger ‘d’ but I know people that have been lower and I myself have been as well. It just boggles my mind…
Read MoreBeing Enough
Have you ever stopped and thought if it was truly enough? If the relationships you had with those around you were sustaining you as a person, or if you were putting enough work into a project or job, or if your idea of what you should be doing was accomplishing what you think it aught…
Read MorePast Relations..
What has been going on in my life? This week has been quite the week, compared to weeks of late. Ned and me had been growing distant because we more or less stopped talking when we were in our room, and weve been talking more again and I feel like were becoming better friends again.…
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Where’s my Future…
What’s going on right now? For the first time in my life I think I know what it feels like to be spread to thin. I honestly am not sure what to do. I have this drawing homework sitting on the futon right now that needs to get done yet tonight. It’s just a reminder…
Read MoreThe Right?
This has been an interesting week for me. Im not really sure why it happened this week, or why its happening at all. My mind must just be on overdrive or something similar. (sorry Ill try not to make it too long, its 3am and my mind is running somewhat). Im talking about something that…
Read MoreMy new KID!!!
So I havent really filled anyone in on what happened to Oscar Perez Calix, my sponsor child down in Honduras. It turns out that his mother had lied about some information to get him into the program, what I am not sure. When confronted she apparently got upset and withdrew Oscar from the program. I…
Read MoreChange of Heart
Sunday June 8th, 2003 at 10:25 PM Have you ever had a moment in your life where everything that was within your perspective seemed to change? Some call it an epiphany while others something along the lines of being enlightened. Those moments are what keeps us on our toes, as they always seem to come…
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