I sit here from a distance, wondering and waiting for the moment in this span of time to be right. For the chance and opportunity to arise and for you to long to understand something that is at the very core of who I am. Nothing in my being longs more then for that conversation to happen for you.


The thoughts of a contemplative mind run rampant while trying to grasp and understand something so natural and free that they ignore the longings of their soul for You. They push and run for so much of their life, hoping to hold on to what is ‘theirs‘ and who they are, fearing that to ‘give in‘ would be to fail, all the while they are running towards the bottom of the valley whois fait is eternal and damming.


Je vois le beauté d’intérieur qui vous étes, bien que vous pas, et ne pouvez pas aider mais sourire quand je le vois.
I see the beauty that’s inside you even though you don’t, and I can’t help but smile when I see it.


From the shadows I stand and dictate with the motions of a hand, words run slowly from the lips to entice and contrive the stillness of now. I seek to stay underneath the knowledge of those who long to know, to avoid any commotion or need to show who I am to who they are. What I do is not of me, seek not the vessel but the commander and He shall reward you beyond the possibilities of this world when he is sought with all your heart.


Short thoughts and incoherent rants push the limits of an already stretched mind, making it only a matter of time until it unwinds and unfurls four fold. Held together through the grace of God and his wisdom and power. With tomorrow comes guidance and understanding, with today comes rest and preparation for a journey unsure and unknown.

Take care and God bless,