Another fairly easy day, though the mental games of the duration are starting to be played against me. Finished the book of Romans today and am continually challenged by the apostle Paul. This is the part I’ve been working through today, “We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself…” Romans 15:1-2.

In context Paul is writing about the body of Christ and how we are to treat each other. These verses follow up a strong exhortation to stop sizing each other up by condemning other Christians for what they believe is acceptable and not (my feeling is that this is a struggle between the Gentiles and new Jewish believes since the Jews would have struggled with freedoms to eat all foods and so forth). As I’ve prayed and mused over it the Lord has helped show me areas of my life where I could be doing better.

Tonight is on to 1 Corinthians. I figure if I keep reading and praying at this rate I might get through the whole bible! Never done that before.

Otherwise the day was fairly productive. I finally got up and am looking for freelance work! So if anyone out there is looking for any web design, photography, or print design please let me know. I’m starting to feel the pinch of not having work to focus on. Check out the site and let me know what you think. Also went and helped Jordan pick out a dress, and then watched tommy boy. Great movie.

Continue to pray and seek the face of God, for nothing else matters,