I know that most of what I write in here is me venting my angst of the world, eh can’t win them all. Here is something a little more up beat I guess.

It seems like it’s been so long since I’ve met someone who just the sound of their voice brings a smile to my face. That after only a few short moments on the phone I am overcome with this longing to just be overjoyed. That when it something seems to be falling apart I just remember the time when we’re going to hang out and it seems to take the edge off any pain. I love this sensation and the emotion that it entails. The thought and understanding that one day this is all I will feel and experience is enough to keep me going and loving every moment of whatever is sent my way.

I’m super excited for coffee tonight… I will make more sense of this later.

Looking through an old journal of mine I found the following entry:

I’ve never understood being alone
not having anywhere to turn

words can’t describe this feeling
this inner rage and bitter angst

How I love being past that, being able to see past that, because at times that’s all you can do.

I used to have a reason for this post, but that has disappeared into my ramblings, sorry about that.

Take care and God bless,