It is amazing to me how fast and slow time seems to move. Never do I catch myself thinking, ‘time is moving along perfectly right now.’ Rather it fluctuates between the eternity it takes for the waiter to notice your starving hands have closed your menus. Then it is the weekend with friends and family that seem to evaporate before my eyes. Even work lately has been moving in hyper speed. I remember months ago dreaming about it just being march and what that would mean for work and life.

Well now march is only 75 minutes away. I’m a little bit behind on some dates for goals, but God seem to be lining up some really amazing opportunities right now. As you might know I have been developing and launching a software company for the last couple years. In the last several months there have been several individuals who have begun or expressed serious interest in working for me. People with years of experience that I could never have dreamt would want to get on board with our service.

Just over a month ago Jordan and I got to go to Paris. If you’ve never been wait until it is nicer out, but for us it was such a blessing to be in a city and feel like we have come home. That trip was a great escape from our busy lives in Minneapolis, and was also a great reminder why we are working so hard right now.

In spite of the brevity that moments seem to have in our life right now, there is this overwhelming sense I have that this is the calm before the storm. I am beyond excited for what is coming next for us, and for the people who are going to be a part of that journey with us. Wishing that I could be more explicit about many of these details but they will have to come forward in time.

In the meanwhile… looks like we’re down to only 70 more minutes till march.