Today was the first day I?ve really had a lot of exposure to the people whom I get my Christian fellowship at my parents house. To be there and to have people coming up and hugging me because I?m home, asking how it went and longing to hear the spiritual side of it (which I don?t really write here), and to see the second part of my summer falling into place as I saw it. It?s amazing. It helped to affirm the work that Christ did through me while I was in Toulouse. Tomorrow I?m meeting with the pastor to talk about speaking in church one Sunday (probably in two weeks) and in august I?ll be leading a week of the main adult education course for the summer. I?m pretty excited about both of those actually.

New thought. It?s weird being here now. I liked Toulouse because I knew exactly what the outcome we wanted to get was. Here I only have a foggy idea, I know what it is that I want and desire but honestly haven?t sought out what the Lord would desire of the rest of my summer.

Also saw spiderman 2 tonight with papa bear. I really enjoyed it. The number of Christian themes running through it were also really nice and helped to make the movie more enjoyable for me.

One final thought: I took something like 3000-5000 photos in France, so you can bank on there being a new design to the Blog soon. Pretty exciting I know.

Take care and God bless, ~paul

————————(Something Else)————————
I wish right now that I had words I could write to make this go away. Here is my hope; that I will get through tomorrow without missing you so much that it hurts, like this. It?s so hard to sit here and feel like this knowing that you don?t know. That I don?t know how you even feel or care, but that some part of me tells me with the utmost certainty that there is something bigger then who I am when I think of you. For the longest time I told myself that I wanted the best for you and knew that wasn?t me. There?s still hope that it is, despite knowing that for so long I have let this slide past.

I wish that I could have taken you by the hand and told you what I know to be true. That time would have stopped for us, letting me express what I couldn?t any other way than with three things. Days can?t move fast enough until that list is spent and you shall know. Then all of who I am will know what it is you say. I only wish it were today?