This has been a really hard week. I’m sitting here waiting, waiting for what seems like it’s been forever this last day. Woke up at 7:30 and my bus doesn’t leave from Keystone for Denver until 12:30 so I’ve been bumming around cleaning up the condo, throwing out open food, doing dishes, praying, quiet time, and chilling online.

The briefing has been so good for me. Really helped to get me fired up and more focused on my submission to God. I feel like the Spirit has really humbled me in this past week. The commissioning ceremony was amazing, just try to fathom being in a room with over 400 slaves of Christ being sent to his lost sheep to be His voice. Worshiping in love with all of them over the past week has been unlike anything I could have ever imagined. Several of the staff commented on how this was the best conference they had ever been too, the spirit rested down upon this valley and did not let up until His fire was complete and we were broken.

I don’t know what more to write, I learned so much about myself, and my roll in the kingdom of heaven that I couldn’t begin to write it all down. Sitting here I am just in awe of who Christ is in reality, and the word awe does not do justice to how I feel about being called to the work of redemption. Think of it, God would use someone like me to bring His message of redemption to those who are sooooo far from Him. I can’t wait to get on campus, both Stout and in Toulouse. Our departure date got pushed back a bit so that we can finish raising support (which is so important in Europe with everything being so expensive) which means I get to go to Freshman week at Stout! Amazed is the best word to describe my feelings of God’s faithfulness.

Decided I would throw a couple more photos up here, I hope you enjoy them! It’s been so beautiful out here. If I were to jump right now I don’t know when I would touch the ground again.

Surrendered, broken, and enslaved to the Gospel of Christ,
Some more Keystone photos (click for larger images, Full Photo Set)
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