Personality Test

So today as part of a team meeting we took personality tests and well I got mine back, and it was so bizarre. It came up the same as last time I took it, but for the first time I took a genuine look at the observations of those who study these things and I…

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Really the fault of feminists?

Part two in the series. (part 1) A counterpoint to my last entry. I don’t really believe that it’s feminism that is ‘destroying’ manhood, but rather taking advantage of a larger and more unchecked/un-noticed problem. A problem that I’ve personally address a couple times in my life, and it is just that, unique and personal.…

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Lost so soon…

I’m sorry this hurts, that sometimes it feels as though it hurts to much to even cry. To imagine a pain that feels so indescribable it is nearly unbearable is beyond me. Loosing someone you have so much love for, so much heart for, so many memories with, someone who was your best friend. I’m…

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