I miss my first love – skiing

It’s a bit bizarre, but every now and then I find myself in one of those moods. Wondering what life would be like had I not walked away. After years of hard work I had achieved an incredibly unique situation, having access into a very closed off industry and getting offered several jobs every year…

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Excited for Life

Over the last two weeks quite a bit of time has been spent thinking about life, where I am at right now, what I am doing with my time and relationships, and so on. Initially there was a bit of despair as I journeyed through thoughts about this all being in vain. I believe that…

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Memorization Tips

I’ve long struggled with memorizing scripture (amongst many other things) and came accross this today. A study from the University of Michigan says that going outside and spending a few moments with nature – you know, that thing we’re supposed to take care of (Gen 2:15) – can improve your focus, memory, and attention. At…

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Newish WP Theme: Cotolance

This theme is actually several months old and has been around the block a bit by this point. It is called Cotolance (Coo-toe-lance) and was developed for the company blog of Nineteen05, my web development company. This blog serves as a way for me to share what is coming up on a decade of web…

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Praying in Confidence

This past weekend was our spring retreat for our crusade movement here at Stout. It was a fun weekend to spend hanging out with friends and meeting new people. While the content of the talk was fairly familiar to me, the Lord still moved in that time to revel things to me that require my…

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Being the Runner

It’s weird being back here at Stout and attempting to discover what it is the Lord brought me back here to accomplish. As of right now I am at a loss for what it is, and I’m trying to figure it out. I know I’m not to be in a position of leadership and it…

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Why I fast once a week

Before I left for my year abroad in France I was doing the college church fair circuit at Bethel and Northwestern College in Minneapolis and I met this great guy named Tom from Navigators at the U of M. Don’t remember what church he was with but we were able to talk about the church…

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Scripture for the last Entry

“Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” Psalms 126:5-6 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are those who weep…

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