Crisis for Miss Tibit

The Miss Tibet beauty contest is in deep trouble. It’s only one year old and only one contestant turned up for this week’s contest. She is 20-year-old Tsering Kyi. “We declared her Miss Tibet,” said competition organiser Lobsang Wangyal. It is not clear if he had any alternative plan of action. Why so little interest?…

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Phone Divorce

(article on BBC) What is the world coming too. I sit down tonight and sift through the daily happenings in the news and what do I find. That it is now legal in Malaysia to divorce your wife from your cell phone by sending her a text message. I am sitting here still dumbfounded, I…

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High School Liberals

How appealing is the idea? Just take a moment and think of what you have to do in the next few years of your life. You are nothing right now, living in the shadows your parents’ cast over you and soon the harsh light of the world will shine down on you. Some high school…

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War in Iraq

It’s coming more and more to my attention that people aren’t thinking past themselves anymore. The most prevalent view of this is the war that were currently doing to over through the gov’t of Iraq. To me it is mind boggling that someone can look at this situation and say that we shouldn’t go. That…

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