Why are We So Obsessed with Us?

I?ve been struck reading so much from the minds of my friends about relationships and need and desire and trying to understand. Figure that I will try to describe as best I can with what I have, but twenty-six keys. It seems as though we are so often trying to gain understanding to why we…

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The Blessed Feeling

I?ve been so blessed today. It seems like I have more and more posts starting like this but I am realizing more and more how much and often I am. God has been so gracious to me and I?m in awe. Turns out that my crazy schedule has yielded some great results. I got a…

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Ready for the end of today

Five minutes till midnight and the beckoning of another day Five minutes till tomorrow is no longer at bay Five minutes till I wish it was tomorrow Five minutes till the reality of my sorrow Five minutes till the realization that I?m here Five minutes till I let go of concern. The culmination of so…

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