Continuing where we left off last time we look at the final two areas of focus for curating your digital world. If you missed Part 1 you should start there. Twitter Similar to Facebook, you can setup and manage lists on Twitter. You can view theses lists just like your normal Twitter feed, but restrict…
Read MoreHow to Curate your Digital World
We are a technology-obsessed society that is ever connected and present online. Short of choosing to live off the grid, this web of interconnected people and devices is a part of our day-to-day life. Instead of un-plugging I would suggest that we all need to become curators of our digital lives. Below are some quick…
Read MoreInside Manos – a Pottery Studio
I have fond memories of loosing myself at a potter’s wheel and this beautiful video takes me right back there. There is something so primal and wonderful about working the spinning clay with your fingers as it slowly dries out. Realizing that the clay needs you to be the one to transform it into something beautiful,…
Read MoreChanges Coming to the Blog
It has been a while since I’ve done much with this blog of mine, and there are changes a coming. Every since finishing up my Masters of Divinity from seminary I knew that I was going to use this site to help further discussion on things church, tech, and art. So over the next week…
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Finishing Seminary
I have finally finished my time at Bethel Seminary and walked out of my last class yesterday morning. This Saturday I will be walking across the stage and will receive my hood. It is a surreal experience to be here looking back on the last four years leading up to my Masters of Divinity. There…
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Theological Musings of the Moment
Seminary is almost done! It has been an extremely enriching time for me as few are granted the opportunity to set much of life aside to look into theology, history, missiology, and the scriptures for three years. There has been a lot that I have learned about: contextual theology, evolutionary theology, preaching, contextual theology/indigenous churches, and much more.…
Read MoreLooming Chaos, Eschatology and our Apathy
If the general tone of the news is any indication, humanity could be en route for some major hurt in the coming months. We have a Eurozone which is looking like it will not survive the winter (Financial Times), and the west – through america – has pushed their relationship with nuclear armed Pakistan further…
Read MoreWhy I believe Occupy Wall Street Matters #OWS
Marking the start of the third month of the Occupy movement’s work in lower Manhattan I feel like I have finally had enough time to process through everything that has been going on to share a few thoughts and one frustration. Let start by saying that I believe this is a thoughtful group of people with important…
Read MoreA Rolling Series of New Beginnings
Life is a rolling series of new beginnings that we often fail to acknowledge. It seems that life can be viewed one of two ways, as a series of conclusions, or of beginnings. With the deluge and overlapping story lines of our lives, every day we are rolling through these points. Points that can be viewed either way.…
Read MoreHow should we participate…
What – if any – way should we be involved in the social movements spurring up around the country? I feel immense change is coming to America (and the Euro-zone) yet struggle to know how to respond/participate… Any thoughts you could share with me?
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